Meowgirls was conceived when, after playing with a bot trained on my own text, I was able to generate a lot of text concerning "meowgirls," a concept I had come up with not long before*.

I immediately saved every word of it, and finally figured out what to do with it. Thus, the world of Meowgirls was born.

*A sort of counterculture alternative to the catgirl, identifiable mainly by behaviors and attitudes rather than feline appearance. It's a way of life.

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Allow me to clarify some things here. Firstly, neither of the two cuties here are meowgirls. They are merely speaking about meowgirls. This comic here is an introduction to the concept itself.

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Here I just needed the practice because I knew I was going to draw another meowgirl comic some time soon.

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These were my two new meowgirl designs. Only one is a true meowgirl, though. More explanation below. Visually, the left one is loosely based on Elain Benes and the right one is loosely based on Jesse Pinkman.

This is my second Meowgirls comic, with all dialogue generated by AI once again. It was at this point I started to wonder about the lore of this world. None of these characters have names, so I will refer to them by their hair color for simplicity.

Also, it would help to think of these characters as having both a "species" and a "classification," and these two characteristics have no connection.

Words and exact phrasing are very important when it comes to classification. A cat is not a kitty cat is not a meowcat is not a meowgirl. Though, there can be overlap. And sometimes one's classification changes.

And for all intents and purposes, classifications are assumed to be gender neutral.

Grey, for instance, is a cat (species) and a catgirl (classification). Grey is a natural born resident of Meowworld (tentative name), a sort of meowtopia where all cat-like things are welcome.

Pink is some kind of dog thing (species) and a borf girl (classification), which is a bit like a barkgirl. Pink likes to wear big fat cat paw gloves and is kind of cat girl brained, almost like the dog equivalent of a meowgirl.

Yellow is like a fennec or something (species) but also kind of a kitty cat catgirl type (classification).

Magenta is a cat (species). Magenta is the only meowgirl (classification) introduced so far.

Explanation: All meowgirls are human. Only humans can be meowgirls. Meowgirls by definition are like humans who love kitties and kitty cats and catgirls and maybe like to meow.

Magenta, a meowgirl, was so meow that she came to Meowworld and became a kitty cat (here I am using "cat" and "kitty cat" interchangeably... but it's contextual.)

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This is the meowgirl pair. They are both meowgirls, and also probably cats.

After that, I began working on Matcha Cat, which takes place in the same universe as Meowgirls but will be very tragic. Not fluffy and lighthearted at all. Steer clear.